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Saint Paul College A Community & Technical College

Faculty Resources

Academic Support Centers welcomes conversations and partnerships with faculty across Saint Paul College.

Encourage students to use the Tutoring Center and Science Study Center

Here are a couple of ways to connect your students with us.

Talk about us in class
  • Show students our website
  • Demonstrate how to make an appointment for online tutoring or how to meet with us on campus
  • Add links to our webpages in your D2L Brightspace—for example, Meet with a Tutor
  • Schedule an introductory visit for your class to the Tutoring Center (Room 3125) or Science Study Center (Room 3220)
  • Schedule a time for one of our fellows to visit your class (either in-person or via Zoom).

To schedule a class visit to our centers or to your classroom, email

Add information about us in your syllabus

The Tutoring Center (room 3125) and Science Study Center (room 3220) offer free and supportive tutoring, learning resources, and study spaces for all Saint Paul College students. Tutoring is available in several subjects as well as technology and study skills. Students are welcome to stop by during open hours to study and work with a tutor in person; no appointment required. Online tutoring is available via Zoom and requires an appointment; online tutoring appointments are available in the evening for many subjects. Find in-person and online tutoring schedules, a list of subjects available for tutoring, and more information about academic support on the Academic Support Centers webpage. For more information, email or call 651.403.4466.

Encouraging versus requiring visits

Sometimes faculty will require their students to work with a tutor on an assignment or offer extra credit for doing so. While we appreciate these well-intended incentives to connect students with academic support, these practices often create a large spike in demand for individual tutoring services that we may not be able to meet and that may limit other students’ access to services.

When we talk to students about our services, we ask them about their academic goals and their motivations. From there, we can have a conversation about how their individual choice to work with academic support might align with their motivations and help them work toward their goals. We’ve found that student choice often leads to a positive learning environment. ​

Instead of mandating students to visit the Tutoring Center or the Science Study Center, please encourage students to use our services and consider reaching out to us to explore ways we might collaborate on supporting students.

Collaborate with Academic Support Centers

Academic Support Centers offers several programs and services in addition to individual tutoring that provide an opportunity to facilitate a closer partnership between faculty and the department:

  • We support course-embedded peer tutors who work under the guidance of an instructor over the duration of a course to provide individualized support and encouragement to students both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • The Fellows Program is a close and collaborative relationship between an instructor and professional fellow to support student learning in a particular course.
  • Professional fellows can facilitate math recitations; applied math workshops for career and technical programs; review sessions in math and science courses; writing, reading, and general academic skills workshops; and peer-review sessions for writing projects.
  • Academic Support Director Mark Kjellman and professional fellows offer consultation on embedding academic support into programs and developing academic support resources.

Connect with us at if you’re interested in any of these academic support models or have additional ideas. Please note that unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the availability of each of these services every semester due to staff capacity.

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